Video Game!?

Good ol’ Calen’s gonna throw in his two cents again but before I do that I wanted to make a new post. As the title implies this may have something to do with video games. This concerns a brand new idea that might not work. Don’t know how it will work. I wonder if it’s even of any benefit to us. As a matter of fact you shouldn’t bother reading this.

Anyways moving on to this awesome idea. I used to do the whole video game designing shpeel and the thought came what if I experimented with that whole bean salad and the hilariousness known as Bacon Strip Empire. What I would like to try is to make a game based on one of our award winning films we have made. I would merely need to get my hands on some video game making goodness.

So to narrow things down a bit I thought of what movie (of the award winning variety of course says I) would be worthy of video game experimentology? It would have to be one with a solid story, possibly action packed, and have an old person. I know what you’re thinking, Socks obviously however I decided The Quest for Triumph instead. So right now this idea is only an idea but perhaps just maybe this idea could be a video game.

Now it wouldn’t be as big as Pac-Man or whatever those hip kids are playing these days but it would be a great experiment that might result in more attraction to that which is Bacon Strip Empire. For now hold on to your face while I possibly make this dream reality… or vice versa, which ever is funner (it’s a word, look it up).

About baconalen

Producer of various movie ideas and actor striving for hilariousness.

Posted on December 4, 2011, in Blog, News. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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