Making Progress

Your friendly neighbour hood Calen here. Anyways I figured I would give a Christmas gift to you kids out there, an update about the game I’m making. As many of you know I have taken it upon myself to make a game about The Quest for Triumph. About a week ago I got my hands on an old game making engine which I was somewhat familiar with, RPG maker. In other words I am now developing an RPG (not a rocket-propelled grenade) about our award-winning film.

To get a little more detailed I would say the game is a little over half ways done. It’s not supposed to be a terribly long game, probably three to five hours depending on your gaming abilities, but this should attract at least some more attention to our bacon paradise. For people searching every detail in the game they may chance upon a bit of a secret, my treat to them.

My goal is to have the game complete in a week and posted on this site before the new year. I suppose we’d make a delectable games page and some computer genius could put it up. The Baqueen and Phantum Fish have taken the opportunity to assist me in various areas of this game making endeavour. The game is basically just about done so keep holding your breath. Until then, adios.

About baconalen

Producer of various movie ideas and actor striving for hilariousness.

Posted on December 16, 2011, in Blog, News. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Awe! Why not a rocket-propelled grenade? The queen would greatly enjoy one of those for Christmas!

  2. I could get you a rocket propelled grenade but I don’t know where to buy one. Maybe Guns R Us has them.

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